BBC One controller Jay Hunt confirmed today that the modern-day drama adaptation, which wowed viewers and critics, will return for three more 90-minute stories in autumn 2011. BBC1台主管JayHunt确认这部在观众和评论家中都大受好评的现代改编版将在2011年秋季回归,仍然单集90分钟,共三集。
A new nonlinear output tacking controller has been designed in this paper, which combined the nonlinear stability inversion system theory with the single-neuron adaptation PID controller. 把非线性逆系统原理和单神经元自适应PID控制相结合,设计出一种新的非线性输出跟踪控制器。
Time-varying sliding surface and two layer time-varying sliding surface are defined, and the design method of adaptive controller and adaptation law are given. 并分别给出了时变滑模面与两级时变滑模面的定义方法,及自适应控制器与自适应律的设计方法。
A reduced-order observer is first designed using the so-called K-filter structure, then the adaptive observer backstepping technique is applied to derive the trajectory tracking controller together with an adaptation law for disturbance parameters. 先引入一个基于K滤波器结构的降阶观测器,接着利用自适应观测器后推技术设计了轨迹跟踪控制器和扰动参数估计的自适应律;
Design and Application of Virtual Fuzzy PID Controller for Parameters Adaptation 虚拟模糊自整定PID调节器的设计及应用
The controller achieves the adaptation of normal PID controller parameters on line by fuzzy inferences. 该控制器通过模糊推理实现PID控制器参数的在线调整。
The controller parameters are adjusted by using the crisp fuzzy adjusting rules, so that the design of the controller is easy to be realized, and at the same time it has strong adaptation and robustness as well. 该控制器的参数调整采用确定性的模糊调整规则,从而不仅使控制器的设计易于实现而且具有很强的适应性和鲁棒性。
Based on the object's characteristics of the industrial processes, the design method for a digital controller is presented. The controller features wide adaptation for PID control, high robustness and quantitative estimation on control quality. 根据工业过程对象特性,提出数字控制器的设计方法,它具有PID控制的广泛适用性、高鲁棒性及控制品质可定量估计的优点。
But the intelligent controller can improve system adaptation to some disturbance and nonlinear factor, because it can self-adaptively change parameters and cover the deficiencies of linear fixed gain PID. 而智能控制器则可以自适应地改变参数,以弥补线性PID调节器的不足,从而提高系统对各种扰动,非线性因素的适应能力。
The controller parameters are also adjusted using crisp fuzzy adjusting rules so that the design of controllers is simple and easy. At the same time, as compared with general parameter adaptation, it has strong adaptation and robustness. 该控制器的参数调整也采用确定性模糊调整规则,从而使控制器的设计简单、容易,同时与一般的参数自适应相比具有很强的适应性和鲁棒性。
According to the direct adaptive fuzzy controller which was proposed by Wang [ 1], the formulas of bounds of adaptation law coefficient γ and simulation step h were deduced for the first time. 针对Wang[1]提出的直接自适应模糊控制器,首次推导出了自适应律参数γ以及仿真步长h的理论取值范围。
A fuzzy sliding mode controller with load adaptation is designed for the slow subsystem, and an optimal controller is desinged to stabilize the fast subsystem. 首先,采用奇异摄动将系统分为慢变和快变两个子系统。然后,对慢变子系统采用负载自适应模糊滑模控制,快变子系统采用最优控制。
Testing results show that the controller is good in robustness and adaptation under widespread load disturbance and it can be used for large-capacity boiler feedwater control system. 结果表明:该控制器对大范围工况变化具有较强的鲁棒性和适应性,对大型发电机组的锅炉水位控制有实用价值。
Fuzzy controller for parameters adaptation of PID controller is a more advanced controller in industrial control at present, because it employ fuzzy logic reference to adjust PID parameters on line. PID参数自适应模糊控制器将模糊逻辑推理引入PID参数的在线自调整,是目前一种较为先进的控制器。
The model rules and knowledge in fuzzy controller are all originated from actual production data. Since these data can be accumulated and updated frequently, and have powerful adaptation and life force as well. 此模型中的模糊控制规则知识完全源于生产实际数据,并可在实际生产中进行修正,具有强大的适应能力和生命力。